fredag 4 april 2008

Where's that Joe Buck?

Midnight Cowboy Trailer

OPENING - Harry Nilsson Everybody's Talking

One of my very favorite movies is Midnight Cowboy. I first saw this when I took a class in College back in 1994 - Experience the art; Film. Most movies we'd seen upon to this point had been rather what I today refer to as classics, but then called dull, booring black and white. (Battleship Potemkin, Birth of a nation and so on)

I sleept through most of them and I pretty much didn't understand any of them. Midnight Cowboy was different. I had a great pace, tone and wonderful characters - I was sweapt away. It must have been becaouse this was kind of the first movie I experienced where the main character pretty much was a looser that didn't achive his goal. It wasnät the kind of american movies I was used to seeing at the swedish theaters.

Midnight Cowboy was pretty much the first movie I ever saw, that really stayed in my head and made me think about it for a long time. I still can remember it quite well (of course I've seen it a bunch of times at this point) and many times it still pops up in my head. The characterization, character development and relationshsips is phenomenal.

Also, the soundtrack is ofcourse outstanding.

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35 years old computer-geek retraind as a movie-producer. Among the films I produced is THE OTHER SIDE, that highlighted the swedish immigration policy and won the swedish filmintitute, short-/novellofilm award in 2003 as well as participated in competition in Lucarno international filmfestival. I'm skilled in digital art of filmmaking, educated at Colorado Mountain College and Swedish Gothenburg Fimacademy, Drama Center, as well as the filmproduction program at University West. But I guess I'm mainly self-educated. Today I'm focusing on the development of feautre film throuh my company Timelock Film AB, where I also work as a freelance editor and script consultant. In addition to this I also have a board of directors assignment in two other family businesses, in the sport distribution and real estate business. I am looking forward to a great 2010.